Τετάρτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Συγκρούσεις στο Λονδίνο στην πορεία για δωρεάν Παιδεία

Free Education

Συγκρούσεις μεταξύ αστυνομικών και διαδηλωτών σημειώθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της μεγάλης φοιτητικής διαδήλωσης στο Λονδίνο. Πρόκειται για την μεγαλύτερη διαδήλωση τα τελευταία χρόνια στην Βρετανία.

Η διαδήλωση πραγματοποιήθηκε με αίτημα τη δωρεάν ανώτατη εκπαίδευση και ενάντια στην απόφαση της κυβέρνησης του Ντέιβιντ Κάμερον να αυξήσει τα δίδακτρα στα πανεπιστήμια. Στην κινητοποίηση στο κέντρο του Λονδίνου συμμετείχαν χιλιάδες φοιτητές από διάφορες πόλεις της χώρας. Οι φοιτητές επιχείρησαν να σπάσουν τον αστυνομικό κλοιό έξω από το βρετανικό κοινοβούλιο. Ακολούθησαν συλλήψεις και συμπλοκές σώμα με σώμα. Oρισμένοι διαδηλωτές κατάφεραν να περάσουν τα κιγκλιδώματα που είχαν στήσει οι αστυνομικές δυνάμεις.

Η Εθνική Εκστρατεία Ενάντια στα Δίδακτρα και τις Περικοπές (National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts), που διοργάνωσε την κινητοποίηση, ανέφερε πως «πιθανόν να είναι η μεγαλύτερη διαδήλωση που έχει πραγματοποιηθεί εδώ και χρόνια». «Ενδέχεται να βρισκόμαστε στα πρόθυρα ενός νέου κύματος φοιτητικού ακτιβισμού», πρόσθετε. Σημειώνεται πως εκτός από τη σημερινή πορεία, οι φοιτητές σκοπεύουν να πραγματοποιήσουν και άλλες ενέργειες διαμαρτυρίας, όπως μαζικές αποχωρήσεις από τα μαθήματα και καταλήψεις πανεπιστημιακών κτηρίων.
  1. if only @Starbucks paid their tax pic.twitter.com/WfuH0x56Nu
    Retweeted by Shirley Greens
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  2. Around 10 Thousand students marched for today. You have kickstarted a new wave of student... http://fb.me/700ZEdezt 
    Retweeted by john collings
  3. Around 10 Thousand students marched for today. You have kickstarted a new wave of student... http://fb.me/700ZEdezt 
    Retweeted by MzLashmore
  4. Big shout out to @NCAFC_UK @TheStudentAssem & @YoungGreenParty for organising an incredible demo today, from all of us @USSU
    Retweeted by Artemis
  5. Big shout out to @NCAFC_UK @TheStudentAssem & @YoungGreenParty for organising an incredible demo today, from all of us @USSU
    Retweeted by Students' Union
  6. Thousands converge on parliament in for on demo - MPs got a free education!!! pic.twitter.com/qUzAgMRT8S
    Retweeted by Shirley Greens
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  7. "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos" - one of the few Simpsons-related signs at earlier. pic.twitter.com/vtuxqBnXbB
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  8. "The government spend money on bombs, why can't they spend money on books?" http://on.rt.com/f6x436  pic.twitter.com/su7dpMtjyb
    Retweeted by Francis Voltaire
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  9. "We students want free, liberated education – that’s why we’re marching" http://gu.com/p/43e63/tw  pic.twitter.com/ZcuaNXBG6r
    Retweeted by Cicada_3301
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  10. Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett speak to students at Free Education ...: http://youtu.be/SfDxbskKQ5w  via @YouTube
    Retweeted by Young Greens
  11. Students demo , , in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Md1FvU-ZEQY  via @WminSmokeTV
  12. Cos my Liberal Arts degree at the Uni of East London that will have no benefit to anyone should be paid for by everyone.
    Retweeted by Nigel Quashie Jnr.
  13. @casi_insurgente ....assuming that you understand that demanding that I pay for is a demand for sequestration of my property.
  14. Oh wow, protesters just started shouting "who do we want? Green party! When do we want them? Now!". I wasn't expecting that.
    Retweeted by Young Greens
  15. Cambridge students among thousands protesting student fees & debt @CamDefendEd http://www.tcs.cam.ac.uk/news/0033399-cambridge-students-part-of-thousands-at-anti-fees-demo.html  pic.twitter.com/YmYVmk0aJc
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  16. The demo was pretty much led by anarchist students, tearing down fences, invading BIS. Rally was small in comparison
    Retweeted by Anarchist Writers
  17. .@socialistudents on the march pic.twitter.com/vdxFJh6S4v
    Retweeted by Edmund Schluessel
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  18. Green Caroline Lucas MP addresses the crowd. Govt policy is "morally bankrupt. https://vine.co/v/OJOZx5PZUTP 
    Retweeted by Young Greens
  19. We're seeing evidence of thuggish, violent policing tonight. Solidarity with everyone in the cells and everyone doing support
    Retweeted by denis stonehouse
  20. Students trying to storm Conservative party HQ in London today, people have had enough. pic.twitter.com/Cqh2WPIaFD
    Retweeted by sam mac__ clan#45
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  21. The mere fact that we are fighting for should shame the government.
    Retweeted by Fragile Figures.
  22. http://j.mp/1xxmlaR  Malky Mackay
  23. .@rustyrockets in the book bloc on the demo earlier. Nice pic @bjacksonuk pic.twitter.com/gtjYn9yTDt
    Retweeted by Sergio P. Ribeiro Fº
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  24. Young & old, unite & fight! Join the Pensioner Block at the 'No More Deaths from Fuel Poverty' demo: https://www.facebook.com/events/708554315906912/?ref_notif_type=plan_user_joined&source=1 
    Retweeted by Tony Taylor
  25. Energising day of protest today in London- free education for all is an absolute necessity
  26. : demo sees protesters and students arrested as they storm Parliament Square pic.twitter.com/QHg1e31sgf
    Retweeted by aj siv
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  27. Students march through London, demand , occupy Parliament Square http://goo.gl/oF0TeH  pic.twitter.com/UjPQekNk77
    Retweeted by Steven Perry
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  28. @KajalDesor_ @Lewis_ALee Love it
    Retweeted by Lewis
  29. 4 arrests in London protests; 2 for assault & 2 for affray, say police http://bbc.in/1xDmfym  pic.twitter.com/e0oj2ZUuN9
    Retweeted by Anto
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  30. RT @gdnstudents: Green Party leader @natalieben says students should register to vote – they can break politics wide open
    Retweeted by Maggie Lee
  31. Students march through London, demand , occupy Parliament Square http://goo.gl/oF0TeH  pic.twitter.com/UjPQekNk77
    Retweeted by Joan Forbes
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  32. Student protest today was great! Feel like this photo sums it up nicely :) http://instagram.com/p/vl5kSnJ0_2/ 
  33. Why Are Students Attending The Protest? - Huffington Post UK http://bit.ly/1uRBaCS 
  34. http://instagram.com/p/vl5jNrHL_3/ 
  35. In Germany, university students are PAID to study. Germany also happens to be an economic and engineering superpower.
    Retweeted by Gilles SYWR
  36. Cops using, er, 'appropriate force' on today's demo https://vine.co/v/OJO5QzgJBJV 
    Retweeted by Tim Rossiter
  37. I support the protest in London. Knowledge should be for everyone, not just a privilege for the rich.
    Retweeted by trïs
  38. @magicfm listening to abit of Magic on the way home from protest
  39. stands in with students in fighting for pic.twitter.com/I7ghBpn0bV
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  40. The @ububristol full-time officer team were out in force marching for today.No debt, no cuts, no fees. pic.twitter.com/zRGKBAmd84
    Retweeted by Joanna Woods
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  41. Protester gets bashed by police https://vine.co/v/OJO5QzgJBJV 
    Retweeted by izzie
  42. http://instagram.com/p/vl5e7iHL_N/ 
  43. : Anger today during protest against high rates and cuts in education. . via @PersonalEscrito pic.twitter.com/av4F4VW9gy
    Retweeted by my persylnel riot
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  44. : Anger today during protest against high rates and cuts in education. . via @PersonalEscrito pic.twitter.com/av4F4VW9gy
    Retweeted by Julienne Xene Cross
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  45. 13% of all taxes paid are so that these gimps rioting in London can study Korean Trumpeting for 'free' pic.twitter.com/hfJH2I1bCa
    Retweeted by Walter Bilas
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  46. : Anger today during protest against high rates and cuts in education. . via @PersonalEscrito pic.twitter.com/av4F4VW9gy
    Retweeted by Non serviaM
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  47. Great day on the demo in London with thousands of students & other @ububristol sabbatical officers pic.twitter.com/N9VfYCQbhE
    Retweeted by Joanna Woods
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  48. Students march through London, demand , occupy Parliament Square http://goo.gl/oF0TeH  pic.twitter.com/UjPQekNk77
    Retweeted by Alicia Murray
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  49. Good day in London marching for @MattBacon53 @philjardine01 @thomas_phipps & Izzie pic.twitter.com/MGOwO1SM4U
    Retweeted by Labour4Wycombe
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  50. Around 10 Thousand students marched for today. You have kickstarted a new wave of student... http://fb.me/700ZEdezt 
    Retweeted by Karen Pegram
  51. Cops using, er, 'appropriate force' on today's demo https://vine.co/v/OJO5QzgJBJV 
    Retweeted by Mark.
  52. Cops using, er, 'appropriate force' on today's demo https://vine.co/v/OJO5QzgJBJV 
    Retweeted by C.S.M
  53. Big socialist students contingent on demo. Education is a right not a priviledge
    Retweeted by Nancy Taaffe
  54. Around 10 Thousand students marched for today. You have kickstarted a new wave of student... http://fb.me/700ZEdezt 
    Retweeted by Toddington
  55. Cos my Liberal Arts degree at the Uni of East London that will have no benefit to anyone should be paid for by everyone.
  56. National student Demo. - LIVE at http://bambuser.com/v/5088196 
    Retweeted by Darcy Delaproser
  57. Parliament square is still full of students at the protest pic.twitter.com/JiqKEAmbKg
    Retweeted by Nancy Taaffe
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  58. Incredible photos from today as Demo sees Protester Arrests & Parliament Sq Reoccupied. @GettyImages pic.twitter.com/1UtsTfBS1E
    Retweeted by Elizabeth Lynch
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  59. UKIP appear to have put out a statement in support of . To be clear: we don't want your support, or any racists' support.
    Retweeted by Cllr Howard Allen
  60. Around 10 Thousand students marched for today. You have kickstarted a new wave of student... http://fb.me/700ZEdezt 
    Retweeted by Owen Jones
  61. @oohincensed @rositastef @Avitusparta We deserve ! Taken away by precedent set by & worsened by LibDems
    Retweeted by Nancy Taaffe
  62. "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos" - not nearly enough Simpsons-related signs at today. pic.twitter.com/7nI2oKzE8D
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  63. Remember fighting for for much of my time at @uniofleicester - pleased people are continuing to campaign for it today!
  64. Green Caroline Lucas MP addresses the crowd. Govt policy is "morally bankrupt. https://vine.co/v/OJOZx5PZUTP 
    Retweeted by Clifford Fleming
  65. @bickypeg Yes destroyed our without a mandate, as shown here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuition_fees_in_the_United_Kingdom  They also started Academies!
    Retweeted by Nancy Taaffe
  66. "The fees are not in the right place" says Charles Clarke @londonmetalumni event just now
  67. @bickypeg Are going to restore in their manifesto? If no longer "New Labour" they would, but sadly not!
    Retweeted by Nancy Taaffe
  68. RT @Roar_News: Protesters block police from filming those ripping down barricades pic.twitter.com/2fC30GuLpF/s/8Iy1
    Retweeted by rosie dee
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  69. I've got 30k debt, and that was without paying any fees, how large are other people's student debts?
    Retweeted by Walton Pantland
  70. pic.twitter.com/EONCFKAtvj
    Retweeted by wuuuuttttt
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  71. RT if you think education should be free.
    Retweeted by PIBE
